Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Música

Information about the Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Música instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.

Installed Applications

From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Enterprise website builder
Email Marketing
Design, send and track emails
CMO Agreements
CMO Agreement Module
CMO Awards
Manage CMO Awards
CMO Core Management
CMO Core Management
CMO Dashboard
CMO Dashboard
CMO Distribution
CMO Distribution Module
CMO Execution List
CMO Execution List Module
CMO Licensing
CMO Licensing Module
CMO Membership
CMO Membership Module
CMO Reports
CMO Reports Module
CMO Requests Management
CMO Requests
CMO Right Owner
CMO Right Owner Module
CMO Synch
CMO Synch Module
CMO Work
CMO Work Module
Document Management
The Document Management module to access document tools
Manage and publish an eLearning platform
Publish events, sell tickets
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Centralize your address book
Live Chat
Chat with your website visitors

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Generic - Accounting